The Rebbe’s Guests – Our Guests

Every Tishrei the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim hosts thousands of Bochurim who come to New York to spend Tishrei with the Rebbe. Now, you have the opportunity to make the Rebbe’s guests – your guests.

Every Tishrei the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim hosts thousands of Bochurim who come to New York to spend Tishrei with the Rebbe. 

With the Bochurim not having to worry about a place to stay and food to eat they can focus on the real reason why they came – to spend Tishrei with the Rebbe. 

The Vaad puts in much effort to ensure that every Bochur who comes to the Rebbe for Tishrei is in the utmost Ruchniyudike atmosphere with many programs and events, including; Farbrnegens, Panels, Kovtzei Limud, Shiurim, Incentives for learning, daily buses to and from the Ohel and much more.

Now YOU have the opportunity to make the Rebbe’s Guests – Your Guests!

For the next 48 hours, Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim will be holding a fundraiser for 500K to support their holy work during the month of Tishrei.

Every donation given before Tuesday, 8 Tishrei, 6 p.m. will be doubled!

Your gift will provide an uplifting and life changing experience for thousands of Bochurim, taking care of every aspect of their stay – including:

Log onto: to place your donation!


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