“The Rebbe Saved My Life”

Watch: In a Motzei Shabbos “Zoombrengen”, Rabbi Mendel Kaplan related a miracle story of the Rebbe that had happened with his yeshiva friend. The next week, the participants got to hear the story first hand from the one it happened to.

In a Motzei Shabbos “Zoombrengen”, Rabbi Mendel Kaplan related a miracle story of the Rebbe that had happened with his yeshiva friend. The next week, the participants got to hear the story first hand from the one it happened to.

The story began in 5751, with a young boy named Meir Shlomo Dubinsky. The boy had begun coming closer to Yiddishkeit after his family left the Soviet Union. Around that time, doctors discovered a deadly tumor in his left arm, and the doctors wanted to amputate his arm. On the day before his surgery, he went to the Rebbe for dollars, and the Rebbe’s response was baffling. It was then that the miracle began happening.

VIDEO: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan first sharing the story during a Motzei Shabbos zoom farbrengen.

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VIDEO: Chaim Meir Shlomo Dubinsky sharing his miracle story in his own words, plus an additional 2 miraculous lifesaving miracles that took place in his life.

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VIDEO: The Rebbe blessing Chaim Meir Shlomo Dubinsky with good health before surgery.

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  1. Important correction!!!
    Rabbi Dovid Mishulovin is Boruch HaShem alive, and should live to extended good days and years

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