The Niggunim and Music that Will Make Your Sukkos

Listen and Enjoy: Two Yerushalmi singers present a Chabad niggun, a new take on an ageless classic, and melody of joyous Chabad nigguim and Sukkos songs that will make you want to dance.

Menachem Moskowitz & Ahrele Samet present a Chabad niggun composed in honor of Yud Alef Nissan 5747

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A Sukkahleh a Kleine
Chabad singer Itay Amram presents a fresh twist on a ageless Sukkos classic

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Simchas Beis Hashoeva – Chabad
Singer Yisrolik Bash and keyboardist Yosef Chaim present a medley of Chabad nigguin for Simchas Bais Hashoeva, with a bonus kumzitz track at the end.

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Lubavitch Tantz
A melody of lively Chabad niggun that will make you dance

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Yom Tov Tantz
Shia Fried and the Baalei Menagim present a melody that will add a bounce to your Yom Tov.

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Sukkos from Yerushalayim
The popular Mizrachi and Chassidic singers join together in the Sukkah of Mayor Moshe Leon

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