A nigun composed by the renowned chossid Reb Berl Maseiyev, which the Frierdiker Rebbe asked to have included in Sefer Haniggunim, was released as a single by ba’al menagen R’ Menachem Amar.
A nigun composed by the renowned chossid Reb Berl Maseiyev, which the Frierdiker Rebbe asked to have included in Sefer Haniggunim, was released as a single by ba’al menagen R’ Menachem Amar.
The single was released as part of the ‘Gaaguim’ niggunim project, with this nigun being the fifth single released from the upcoming Gaaguim 7 album.
Reb Berel Maseiyev was a renowned maskil and oved who lived in the town of Kremenchuk, and was one of the ‘Kremenchuker Berelach’ – a group of chassidim whose name were Berel and whom were all well-known for the haskala and avoda.
On Shavuos 5704, the Frierdiker Rebbe asked for this niggun to be sung. In one of his letters, where he listed niggunim to be included in the upcoming Sefer Hanigunim, he included this nigun as well.
It is Nigun 117 in Sefer Hanigunim.
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