The Miracle School: How Ateres Chaya Mushka Thrives Under the Rebbe’s Guidance

“Why start a school in Crown Heights with so many options available?” That’s a question many have asked about Ateres Chaya Mushka. But the answer is simple: the Rebbe’s divine guidance. 

“Why start a school in Crown Heights with so many options available?” 

That’s a question many have asked about Ateres Chaya Mushka. But the answer is simple: the Rebbe’s divine guidance. 

Watch this short video and discover the letter from the Rebbe which launched an entire school.

From the success of its students to the unwavering support of the community, ACM has been the recipient of countless brachos. But perhaps the greatest miracle of all is the impact that ACM has on its students. 

The school instills a deep love for Torah, a strong connection to the Rebbe, and a commitment to chesed. The values that are taught at ACM shape the future leaders of the Jewish community and inspire them to make a positive impact on the world.

Tonight, ACM is celebrating its first ever Gala Dinner. To be part of this Crown Heights miracle, please consider supporting this latest initiative to unite in shared successes and raise funds for the school’s continued growth. 

Click here to learn more.

With the Rebbe’s brachos and the support of the community, ACM can continue to shine as a beacon of light in the world of Jewish education.

Donate now!

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