The Hidden Gems of Crown Heights

In a beautiful display of Achdus, four Crown Heights small schools are running a joint Tzedaka campaign. Donate now to support the small schools of Crown Heights.

One campaign. Four schools. 36 hours.

In a beautiful display of Achdus, Bnos Chomesh Academy, Chabad Girls Academy, Gan Academy and Ateres Chaya Mushka have joined forces to raise the funds needed to ensure that your children, our children, and the children next door receive the education they need and deserve.

While our four schools don’t share the same buildings or staff members, we share an approach of unconditional love and acceptance. Where each child is met and cared for as they are, and given the time and attention they need to become the best possible version of themselves.

By focusing on quality and not quantity, and by emphasizing individual attention, we’re able to equip each of our students with the confidence, skills, and knowledge they need to thrive in the real world, and proudly carry the torch of Yiddishkeit into the future and beyond.

In the words of Shlomo Hamelech, “Chanoch l’naar al pi darko,” (educate a child according to his or her way), and that’s precisely what we do.

They say it takes a village to raise a child.

We say it takes a community to raise a generation.

Join us, and together we can pave the way to a brighter tomorrow, and shape the future.

Donate now and help Crown Heights’ hidden gems.

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