The Crown-Jewel of Chabad Lubavitch

To the Rebbe, the library represented the spiritual legacy of the Chabad Lubavitch movement. As we celebrate thirty-six years from Hei Teves, we have the special opportunity and merit to strengthen, support, sustain and grow the Rebbe’s library.

Dear Friend,

In recent years, the Central Chabad Library of Agudas Chabad has been expanding and continues to expand in many areas.

  • A brand-new wing has been added to library complex;
  • Many thousands of volumes have been added to the library collection;
  • The special library exhibitions are attracting more visitor’s attention and interest.

The past twelve months, in particular, has seen the capping of a monumental project that begun many years ago—the digitization of the library’s collection and archive center.

The scanning and digitizing of the library’s collection includes:

  • Tens of thousands of books that have been scanned and uploaded to the library website.
  • Tens of thousands of photos, submitted to the Rebbe over the years, that have been scanned and uploaded to the library’s website.
  • Thousands of volumes of sacred manuscripts were scanned and uploaded to the library’s web-site.
  • The thousands of “Sefer Hachasidim” cards, which documented the Chabad-Lubavitch world-wide family, and which were submitted to the Rebbe in the early years, were scanned and upload-ed to the library’s website.
  • Currently, the massive collection of leaflets, brochures, placards, advertisements and other paraphernalia, related to Chabad Lubavitch and Judaism in general, have now been digitized and are currently being uploaded to the library’s website. This project is still in the works, and will be completed very soon. Parts of this collection can already be viewed in the catalog on the library’s website, section 151-152. More than one thousand leaflets, spanning the past 350 years, starting from the year 1610 to the year 1960 have already been scanned and uploaded.

With the expansion of the library in all these areas, the library’s budget has also increased.

Last year, in conjunction with Hei Teves – the Festival of Books, Machne Israel held a special fundraiser for the library, In accordance with The Rebbe’s directive, that the day of Hei Teves, on which Didan (of the books) Notzach, is an opportune day on which to donate to the Library. The money raised covered most of the daily expenses for the past year.

In honor of this special day of Hei Teves, Machne Israel, which carries the financial burden of the library, is once again holding a special fundraiser benefiting the library.

Please help us reach our goal of $500,000 to maintain and expand the Rebbe’s library – the Crown Jewel of Chabad-Lubavitch.

In the merit of your generous donation, may you, and all yours, be blessed with all good, material and spiritual.

Very truly,

Rabbi Shalom B. Levine

Library of Agudas Chasidei Chabad

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