Join Irgun Torah and Empire Shteibel for a Melavah Malka farbrengen, in honor of Tes – Yud Kislev, the Birthday, Hilulah and Chag Hageulah of the Mitteler Rebbe.
Join Irgun Torah and Empire Shteibel for a Melavah Malkah Farbrengen, in honor of Tes -Yud Kislev – the Birthday, Yom Hilulah and Chag Hageulah of the Mitteler Rebbe, and a Siyum on Meseches Rosh Hashanah.
This Motzei Shabbos, Tes-Yud Kislev, November 13th at 8:30pm, at Empire Shteibel, 489 Empire Blvd.
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