Ten Yad Unveils the Grand Sur-Prize: A Timeless Treasure Revealed

In a moment that will reverberate around the globe, Ten Yad proudly presents the grand SUR-PRIZE – a treasure beyond measure, more valuable than gold itself. The long-anticipated enigma finally unlocked, and the SUR-PRIZE auction revealed – a brand new Sefer Torah. 

In a moment that will reverberate around the globe, Ten Yad proudly presents the grand SUR-PRIZE – a treasure beyond measure, more valuable than gold itself. The long-anticipated enigma finally unlocked, and the SUR-PRIZE auction revealed – a brand new Sefer Torah

The lucky winner will live the dream of dedicating and owning their very own Sefer Torah.

Radiating the atmosphere of the Tenathon with the joyous spirit of “שישו ושמחו בשמחת תורה,” Ten Yad will mark this momentous occasion with the Siyum Sefer Torah tonight at the Tenathon Live Event. Special guests, including IDF soldier parents , will complete the final letters on stage. The winner holds the unique privilege of dedicating the Sefer Torah, culminating with the joyous Hachnasas Sefer Torah – the ceremonial Hakofos during the Torah’s first entrance into Shul. 

Every Yid represents a letter in the Torah signifying our unity as one nation, one Torah, and one G‑d. In unity, we defy the shadows, illuminating our path with hope and faith, proving that even in the darkest times, the light of the Torah and the unity of Klal Yisroel prevail.

Tonight, we honor the missing captives, the brave soldiers on the front lines, the wounded, and all of Klal Israel. 

Join this extraordinary endeavor!

Hurry! The SUR-PRIZE Sefer Torah raffle is happening now! This is your last chance to buy tickets at Tenyad.org. 

Must Watch! Join the Tenathon.com live stream for the winner announcement. Witness the unfolding of a momentous occasion where dreams, unity, and the enduring power of the Torah merge to create an everlasting legacy. Don’t miss this historic event!


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