Ten Yad Gears Up for Tenathon Live – TONIGHT!  

The Tenathon stage is set for Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried, and Yaakov Shwekey, who will be performing together tonight for the very first time. 

We’re thrilled to bring you an exclusive backstage peek at this year’s most anticipated show, the Tenathon 2023, scheduled to livestream TONIGHT at 6:30 pm sharp! Feel the enchanting atmosphere of the Tenathon live shows during their final preparations.

Mystery permeates the atmosphere as the biggest SUR-PRIZE party gears up. What is the great SUR-PRIZE raffle everyone ponders? A prize draped in wonder whose internal value is more than gold? The great reveal is just hours away.

In the hallowed halls of anticipation, SurprizeSing superstars gather on the grand stage, the instruments finely tuned, and their hearts alight with incredible harmony. Performing together for the first time ever, Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried, and Yaakov Shwekey. Their melodies weave through the air in these pre-concert rehearsals like threads of gold, and each note a testament to the meticulous artistry that culminates in a symphony of perfection.

Tonight’s sold-out event is set to be the evening of a lifetime. Tune in at 6:30 pm sharp to experience the extraordinary: special Tefilos and a musical tribute honoring our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel. Together, we will sing!

But here’s the best part: YOU can still be a part of this excitement! Act fast and join the auction drawings before it’s too late. Tickets are still available at TenYad.org. The window of opportunity is closing rapidly, so secure your ticket package now and get ready to be mesmerized by the grand reveal and an incredible show. 

Seize the moment – log on, buy your tickets NOW! 


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