Tefillos and Nichum Aveilim in Reb Yoel’s House

Following the passing of Reb Yoel Kahn, minyonim for davening are being held in his home, as is customary. Times were also announced for nichum aveilim. Update: No visits on Tuesday.

Following the passing of Reb Yoel Kahn, minyonim for davening are being held in his home as is customary. Times were also announced for nichum aveilim.

Reb Yoel Kahn served for decades as the Rebbe’s choizer and the head mashpia of 770, where he educated thousands of students in the Rebbe’s Torah and worldview.

Tens of thousands around the world count themselves among his students, and countless others learned from his works, listened to his shiurim, and were inspired by his farbrengens.

The shiva and tefillos will be held at 760 Eastern Parkway, where Reb Yoel lived for the past number of years.

Update: No visits on Tuesday.

Times are as follows:
10:00 AM – Shacharis
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM – Nichum Aveilim
8:00 PM – 9:00 PM – Mincha and Ma’ariv
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM – Nichum Aveilim

Visitors are asked to only come during the above times, and to leave when the times are up.


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