While in the Polish town of Dynów to celebrate the wedding of Chayale Schochet and Yosef Yitzchok Kalmenson, the families of the chosson and kallah took the opportunity to print a Tanya near the kever of the the famed Rebbe known as the “Bnei Yissaschar”.
By Anash.org reporter
A special Tanya printed marked a historic event in a town steeped in Chassidic history, as well as a personal celebration for the ones who arranged the printing.
The town of Dinov (Dynów) is one that is renowned is the annals of the history of Chassidus. Home to Reb Tzvi Elimelech Spira, who is known as the “Bnei Yissaschar” after the work he authored, the town served as a center of Chassidus in the 18th and 19th centuries. Currently, the town is home to a rebuilt shul as well as a hachnosas orchim center for the many visitors who came to daven by the Bnei Yissaschar’s kever.
Last week, the town was witness to a chassidic wedding, a sight that had been common before WWII, but was so unusual in recent years that it made it into the local Polish media. The wedding, of Chayale Schochet of Yerushalayim and Yosef Yitzchok Kalmenson of France, was held in Poland due to travel restrictions in the chosson and kalla‘s countries of origin.
On Tuesday, as the sheva brachos celebrations continued, the Schochet family decided to hold an additional celebration: the first-ever printing of a Tanya in the historic town.
The printing took place in the shul which is located in close proximity to the Bnei Yissaschar’s kever. The family gathered for the printing, which was done in accordance with the Rebbe’s request to print a Tanya wherever a Yid lives.
Rabbi Menachem Schochet, the kalla‘s father, was honored with beginning the printing, while joyous Chabad niggunim were played in the background. The assembled then began dancing, celebrating the spread of the wellsprings of Chassidus, and the fulfilment of the Rebbe’s request.
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