Talent Shines at Oholei Torah’s Menorah Expo

Photos: Nehoray Edri/Anash.org

The creativity and skills of Oholei Torah’s elementary school shined as they designed, crafted, and built their projects for the annual Menorah Contest. A group of judges voted on the top Menorahs from each grade.

By Anash.org reporter
Photos: Nehoray Edri/Anash.org

For the eight year in a row, the creativity and skills of Oholei Torah’s elementary school talmidim shined as they designed, crafted, and built their projects for the annual Menorah Contest. The talmidim, either individually or in groups, worked for weeks to build their beautiful, creative, and meaningful menorah projects from scratch. 

The annual event is run by Oholei Torah’s energetic Tzivos Hashem director, Rabbi Mendel Levin. “It’s amazing to see the ideas and professionalism the students put into this project. Menorahs made out of everything you can think of are displayed” said Rabbi Levin, as he walked past groups of talmidim setting up their projects for display in the grand ballroom. 

Each class had a tour of the Menorahs, and a group of judges voted on the top Menorahs from each grade, as well as overall winners from the entire school. The winners were rewarded with Tzivos Hashem “Miles” rewards points, which can be cashed in at the Oholei Torah Tzivos Hashem store. 

The annual contest is a chance for talmidim to get creative and express themselves with the talent Hashem has given them, and it greatly adds to the Chanukah yom tov excitement and spirit throughout the yeshiva.  

This year’s winners were:

7th grade:
🥉 Sz Wisfish (Menorahs from all over)
🥈 ME Rivkin (Mitzva Tank Parade)
🥇 M shosan (Chanukah in the way to Yerushalaim)

6th grade:
🥉 M Karasik (Mivtzoim during Wartime)
🥈 L Sasonkin (Kinus Hashluchim)
🥇 Y Lipskier (Menorah Contest in OT)

5th grade:
🥉 M Horowitz (Planting and Growing)
🥈 Y Engel (Alter Rebbe left jail on chanukah)
🥇 L Weiss (Mitzva Tank Parade in Manhattan)

4th grade:
🥉 Bentzi Friedman and Eli Lazaroff (Children of CH sending Koach to Eretz Yisroel)
🥈 YY Schtroks (a Writing Menorah)
🥇 Hershy and Levi Spritzer (Living in the world of Moshiach)

3rd grade:
🥉 Y Kamman (Chabad in Gaza)
🥈 NK Rivkin (CTeen Mivtzoim menorah)
🥇 Sz Mohan (Mivtza Tefilin)

2nd grade:
🥉 M Narboni (Umalah Haaretz Deah)
🥈 A Lipkind (‘Leben’ Mit Der Tzeit)
🥇 S Z Plotkin (Ois Bsefer Torah)

1st grade:
🥉 D Rosenfeld (Tzivos Hashem Ranks)
🥈 L Shmotkin (Mitzva Land)
🥇 S Freundlich (Yerushalaim)

🥉 Y Duchman (Kolel Chabad)
🥈 Y Narboni (What i can do to bring Moshiach)
🥇 S. Lefkowitz (Shivahs Haminim)

School Wide:
🥉 Motty Nejar 6th grade (Mivtzoim in the battlefield)
🥈 Feitel Lightstone 4th grade (Tribute to Rabbi Benjamin)
🥇 Itzik Pape 2nd grade (The impact of Rabbi Benjamin)


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