Take Part in the Mitzvah of Kibbud Av for the Rebbe

It’s not every day that we can take part in something personally connected to the Rebbe. Right now, Chabad of Kazakhstan invites the entire Chabad community to join in the annual campaign in honor of the Rebbe’s father. 

“That’s the size of your vessel?” 

This was the Rebbe’s response to a person who donated $100 to Keren Levi Yitzchok. When he asked the Rebbe if he would receive a reward for his participation even for this small amount, the Rebbe answered “A strange outlook – we are holding days away from “K’siva V’chasima Tova”’ (which clearly includes Brochos for wealth) and this is the size of your vessel?!”

Chabad of Kazakhstan is inviting YOU to Share in a rare opportunity to obtain the Rebbe’s Bracha. 

It’s not every day that we can take part in something personally connected to the Rebbe. Right now, Chabad of Kazakhstan invites the entire Chabad community to join in the annual campaign in honor of the Rebbe’s father. 

Chof Av, the day the Rebbe’s father, the mekubal Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson a’h, passed away, is an opportunity for every Chassid to share in the Rebbe’s Kibud Av. 

Every year at the farbrengen for Chof Av, the Rebbe made an appeal, L’ilui his father’s Neshama. The Rebbe (Sicha of Chof Menachem Av 5739) even used unusual terminology, saying:

Hear the Rebbe say it: the wondrous bracha to all donors Li’lui nishmas his father. 

When the Rebbe concluded with the rare promise of the blessing of “500 times that amount” for donors, he began singing, “V’Harikosi Lachem Bracha Ad Bli Dai.”

At the Cusp of the New Year!

Chof Av falls out exactly 40 days before the start of the new year. At this special point in time when “the fate of the fetus is determined” it is important to give Tzedaka, thus drawing down Brochos for the whole year, may it be for good.

Donate now generously, and merit an abundance of Brochos! 

Don’t miss this opportunity, make a vessel! Donate Li’lui Nishmas R’ Levi Yitzchok and bring down the Brochos for the new year!

On the Yartzeit itself, the shluchim of Kazakhstan will mention the names of all the  donors at the holy Tzion of Reb Levi Yitzchok for blessings in whatever area is needed in their life.

A raffle will be held for all the donors with an all inclusive prize of two airline tickets to the Tzion of R’ Levi Yitzchok. Full room and board will be provided.

The brachos are ready and waiting for YOU. All you need to do is make the vessel!

To be included in the abundance of brachos, please go to 20av.kz and donate!

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