Swiss Shliach Releases Album of Stirring Niggunim

After months of painstaking work, Nosson Vishedski, a young shliach from Basel, Switzerland released an album with 8 stirring Chabad Niggunim, including one especially for Yud Beis Tammuz.

After months of painstaking work, Nosson Vishedski, a young shliach from Basel, Switzerland released an album with 8 stirring Chabad Niggunim, including one especially for Yud Beis Tammuz.

“The niggun is the niggun is the soul’s quill,” the Alter Rebbe famously said. When a person sings and plays a tune that is meaningful to him – be it a niggun of joy or of longing – it expresses the deepest feelings of his soul.

There are over 500 such niggunim in Sefer Haniggunim. Some of them were composed by the Chabad Rebbes and some by chassidim; most of them are without lyrics because there are sensations and feelings, wishes and prayers that cannot be expressed by mere words; a niggun, on the other hand, has no limits to its expressive capability.

There are eight niggunim in this album, special, moving ones, and with Natan singing them, they can touch our hearts and be the quill for our souls.


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Poltava Niggun:

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Tiku Bachodesh:

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Click here to listen to the entire album on YouTube.

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