Swerdlov Summer Program to Resume After Year Break

After a year hiatus due to coronavirus, Camp YTT – Swerdlov Summer Program will be taking place this summer, traveling to Eretz Yisroel for 4 weeks and Ukraine for 7 days.

After a year hiatus due to coronavirus, Camp YTT – Swerdlov Summer Program will be taking place this summer, traveling to Eretz Yisroel for 4 weeks and Ukraine for 7 days.

Camp YTT – Swerdlov summer program – is pleased to announce Shuffa Friedman (Brooklyn) and Yehudis Telsner (Crown Heights) as head counselors for summer 5781.  

The touring camp for 10th and 11th grade girls spends 5 life-changing weeks visiting Israel (4 weeks) and Ukraine (7 days). A program directed by Mrs. Miryam Swerdlov for almost 25 years, filled with chassidishe warmth and excitement, gives our teens the chance to discover their roots in a beautiful and fun adventure. Through weeks of non- stop touring, hiking, farbrengens and song, campers are able to experience the beauty of Yiddishkeit in a way that speaks to them.

The Ukraine part of the trip visits Dnepropetrovsk, Haditch, an incredible Shabbos in Mezibush and many other historic and powerful cities. It gives campers a thorough and thought provoking week to fully immerse in the lives and history of our Rebbeim; enabling them to develop their life as a Chossid.

Camp will iyH be taking place this summer, as Baruch Hashem Israel is allowing in vaccinated and fully recovered (with antibodies) tour groups, and there are some spots available.

For more information and to register go to www.campytt.com


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