Sunday: Rabbi Yitzy’s Global Birthday Celebration

The 49th birthday of Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz, shliach to Temecula, CA, will be celebrated on Sunday with a global celebration featuring inspirational speakers and musical entertainment.

The 49th birthday of Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz, shliach to Temecula, CA, will be celebrated on Sunday with a global celebration featuring inspirational speakers and musical entertainment.

The global celebration will take place as thousands around the world mark Rabbi Yitzy’s 49th birthday with “Mitzvos for Yitzy”, a campaign aiming to have 20,000 mitzvos done in his merit.

Eight long years ago, our dear brother Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz, Chabad Shliach to Temecula, CA, was diagnosed with ALS. Despite his precarious condition, and despite the many additional challenges wrought by COVID, Chabad’s Rabbi Yitzi continues to inspire countless thousands worldwide! 

Let us join together for Rabbi Yitzi’s 49th birthday more energetically than ever to give Yitzi the greatest birthday gift and fulfill his birthday wish: Let’s collectively do 20,000 Mitzvot and good deeds in his honor!

Go to to join in the campaign!

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