Summer Zman in Full Swing at 770 Yeshiva

The largest learning project for yeshiva students worldwide, “Yissachar and Zevulun,” continues at full force with bochurim being tested on 4,633 blatt Gemara, 1,080 maamarim of Samech Vav, 12,118 simanim in Shulchan Aruch, and 3,450 sichos.

The largest learning project for yeshiva students worldwide, “Yissachar and Zevulun,” continues at full force. The bochurim in 770 are not stopping for a moment. From the beginning of the year, month after month, and even during Bein Hazmanim, when there are no studies in yeshivas around the world, the learning in 770 goes on without interruption!

Summing up half a year – within this project, the bochurim in 770 have been tested on 4,633 blatt Gemara, 1,080 maamarim of 5666, 12,118 simanim in Shulchan Aruch, and 3,450 sichos on topics of Geulah and Moshiach, ka”h.

Here is a broad gallery summarizing half a year of success. B”H, the results speak for themselves, and many of the bochurim see the tremendous benefit from participating in the “Yissachar and Zevulun” project, both spiritually and materially.

Throughout the entire year, during Chanukah, the busy period of Yud Shevat, the days leading up to Purim, and Bein Hazmanim Pesach, the Lag B’Omer parade, and Shavuos – the talmidim in Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch Central Yeshiva, Beis Moshiach 770, do not stop their regular learning schedule and continue with even greater intensity and strength!

Our goal is clear and defined – that every bochur can invest all his time and energy in learning Torah without having to worry about basic living needs on his own.

Summing up half a year within the project, the bochurim in 770 have been tested on 4,633 blatt Gemara, 1,080 maamarim of 5666, 10,118 simanim in Shulchan Aruch, and 3,450 sichos on topics of Geulah and Moshiach, ka”h.

These days, the seventh round of scholarship distribution took place, worth tens of thousands of dollars!

The yeshiva notes with satisfaction the great success and the nachas the bochurim bring to the Rebbe and thanks the many donors who contribute large sums of tens of thousands of dollars every month.

The Yissachar and Zevulun project includes four serious learning tracks with goals throughout the year. At the end of each month, a test is held, and at the beginning of the following month, each bochur receives a respectable cash scholarship!

One track is in the study of the continuation of 5666, so that during the year they will finish all the maamarim from the famous continuation of 5666.

The second track is in halacha studies, where they will learn all of part one of Shulchan Aruch Admor HaZaken and the halachos of Pesach, practical halacha.

The third track is in the study of Gemara, daf yomi, one daf a day, and with Hashem’s help, they will finish the entire tractate of Bava Basra by the end of the year.

The fourth track is in Geulah and Moshiach, so that during the year they will complete all the Likutei Sichos on Geulah and Moshiach.

    Want to join the success too? For more details and to participate in the project, click here: Yissachar and Zevulun Project

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