Summer Hakhel Event Unites Crown Heights Community

Hundreds of Chassidim from the Crown Heights community and beyond gathered on a Monday night at 770 Eastern Parkway to fulfill the Rebbe’s directive to gather during the Hakhel year.

By reporter
Photos: David Katash/

Hundreds of Chassidim from the Crown Heights community and beyond gathered on a Monday night at 770 Eastern Parkway to fulfill the Rebbe‘s directive to gather during the Hakhel year.

The program began with reciting the Rebbe’s kapitel led by a chayol in Tzivos Hashem Shneur Zalman Vaisfiche.

Rabbi Chezky Wolff, shliach and rabbi of the Chelsea synagogue in Manhattan masterfully moderated the evening. He spoke about how this generation merited to see the transformation of the month of Tammuz from a month of mourning into a month of Geula with the Chag Hageula of Yud Bais Tammuz. This is all in anticipation of the ultimate transformation with the imminent arrival of Moshiach.

Rabbi Heschel Greenberg, shliach to Buffalo, New York spoke about how the unity of Hakhel can only be achieved through the Melech or Nasi and how Hakhel will be performed in Moshiach’s times. Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin, shliach to Brooklyn Heights spoke about building the Bais Hamikdash.

As no Hakhel is complete without the participation of the ‘taf‘, a special video presentation for children by My Maor was also played.

“This gathering was arranged with one thing in mind, gathering to fulfill the Rebbe’s hora’a for Shnas Hakhel,” said organizer Rabbi Mendel Gerlitzky. “We hope that in this zechus we will merit the ultimate Hakhel gathering led by our Rebbe in the Bais Hamikdash.”

At the conclusion of the event, organizers announced plans to continue these Hakhel gatherings every single month until the end of the year.

“We specifically chose to hold it on a ‘regular’ day, not a yomei depagra, to emphasize that this gathering is a Hakhel for the sake of Hakhel,” another organizer told

Besides the hundreds who filled the benches of 770, hundreds more joined online via’s media broadcast.


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