Portland Yeshivas Kayitz Brings Powerful Energy to The City

Shliach Rabbi Chayim Mishulovin brought in a group of bochurim and ran an incredible program for them in Portland, Oregon. The community was lit up with the energy the boys brought to town.

Portland’s Jewish community was given a boost with a Yeshivas Kayitz that took place there toward the end of this past summer.

The program was hosted by shliach Rabbi Chayim Mishulovin, and organized by his son Shmuel Dovid Mishulovin. The bochurim spend their time learning on their own and with the local balebatim, and enjoyed a packed program.

The program featured amazing learning, farbrengens, and special classes with the other local Rabbis. The Shabbos schedule was a packed event full of learning, farbrenging, davening, and inspiration.

Shabbos started off with a large Seudas Shabbos with many guests at the home of head shluchim Rabbi Moshe and Devori Wilhelm.

Shabbos morning, the bochurim got up early to finish tehillim and learn Chassidus before the davening, which was followed by a farbrengen with Rabbi Yakov Wagner of Tiferes, and was joined by a group of visiting litvishe bochurim.

After a short shiurim break, Rabbi Motti Wilhelm farbrenged with the bochurim until the Rabbi at the local orthodox Shul came for the first time ever- to give a halachik pilpul to the bochurim before Mincha.

After a tour of the campus including the Mikvah, they went to see the burned Chabad House across the street. Melava Malka concluded with a bonfire and kumzits.

All in all, the bochurim were amazing and and brought a powerful energy to the city.

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