Sukkah Arranged Once Again at JFK Airport

Rabbi Yossi Rapp of Chabad of the Airport announced that once again passengers at JFK Airport this Chol Hamoed will be able to take advantage of a Sukkah on the way to their flights.

Rabbi Yossi Rapp of Chabad of the Airport announced that once again passengers at JFK Airport this Chol Hamoed will be able to take advantage of a Sukkah on the way to their flights.

The Sukkah is a project of Chabad of the Airport, which has been dedicated to serving the needs of Jewish travelers at New York’s airports for more than 40 years.

The Sukkah will be located at Terminal 4, on the East side of the Arrivals level. It will be available on Thursday from 11am until 11pm and Sunday from 10am until 11pm. A Lulav and Esrog will also be available on the premises for those who need to make a Bracha.

Please contact Chabad of the Airport for any questions at (347) 770-1749 or

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