Stunning New Men’s Mikvah Opens In Kingston, PA

After nearly two years of work, a luxurious mikvah for men was dedicated in Kingston, PA, to serve the rapidly growing Chabad community. 

By reporter

A luxurious new men’s mikvah was dedicated in Kingston, PA, adding another appeal to the rapidly growing community.

With the Chabad community experiencing a 50% growth in under a year, and more new families moving in every year, the community quickly outgrew many of the facilities. In a short time, two new shuls, a beautiful kosher store, and a new school building were opened.

Then came the turn of the men’s mikvah. Originally in a side room in the community’s mikvah taharah, the mikvah did not fulfill the needs of the growing number of daily users. A bigger and nicer mikvah was needed.

Not satisfied with just filling the basic need, it was decided to go all-out and build a mikvah at the highest standard.

For nearly two years, workers labored to create into a men’s mikvah which is among the most beautiful not only in the area, but possibly the world over.

On Yud Shevat this year, Wednesday of the sedra of “זה קלי ואנוהו,” the mikvah was officially opened. The community members who came to use it for the first time could hardly believe their eyes; The floors and walls are lined with marble, 10 showers and ample dressing space, two stunning boros, and even a shvitz.

A side room was also built as a preparation room, for situations when the mikvah tahara might not be available.

The mikvah won’t only fill the need of the current users. It was built with the future in mind as well, as is big enough for a vastly expanded community.

As soon as it was opened, the number of daily and Erev Shabbos mikvah users immediately shot up, with many beginning to once again resuming their practice of toveling before davening or Shabbos. The number is only expected to grow, for after visiting the mikvah once, it is almost impossible to resist the urge to visit and use the beautiful mikvah again.

To donate towards the costs of the mikvah, or to dedicate a section of the mikvah, please visit


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