Students Around the World to Mark Reb Yoel’s Siyum Hakadish

This Shabbos, 5 Sivan, will conclude the 11 months of Kadish for the legendary mashpia Reb Yoel Kahn a”h. His students around the world will mark the day by learning Mishnayos and sharing memories.

By staff

This Shabbos, 5 Sivan, will conclude the 11 months of Kadish for the legendary mashpia Reb Yoel Kahn a”h.

“Reb Yoel,” as he was known, was born in the Soviet Union, on 16 Shevat, 5690 (1930) to Reb Refoel Nachman and Rivkah Kahan. At a young age, he emigrated to Eretz Yisroel together with his family and studied in Yeshiva Achai Temimim in Tel Aviv under the tutelage of the famous mashpia Reb Chaim Shaul Brook

In 5710/1950, he arrived in New York, and quickly became attached to the Rebbe, and was part of the group of Chassidim who did all in their power to have the Rebbe accept the nesius.

As soon as he arrived in 770 his unique talents were recognized and he immediately began to write hanachos of the Rebbe’s mamorim and sichos. Elders Chassidim who were still chozrim of the Rebbe Rashab marveled at his special power both in understanding and in memory.

In 5714, he married his wife Leah, the daughter of Rabbi Shneur Zalman Butman, and the Rebbe was mesader kiddushin. Shortly afterward he was appointed mashpia in one of the branches of the Chabad Yeshiva in Crown Heights and was later appointed head mashpia in the central Tomchei Temimim 770.

For decades, Reb Yoel served as the Rebbe’s chief chozer and maniach. Starting from the Rebbe’s first farbrengen, Reb Yoel, who was renowned for his phenomenal memory, would memorize the Rebbe’s sichos and maamorim. Following the farbrengen, usually held on Shabbos or Yom Tov when no recordings are allowed, Reb Yoel would hold a chazara, where the Rebbe’s words would be repeated and transcribed. As a maniach, he prepared the Rebbe’s edited maamorim and sections of Likkutei Sichos for publication. His magnum opus is Sefer HoErkim Chabad, an encyclopedia and analysis of Chassidus concepts.

In his role as the head mashpia of the Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva at 770, Reb Yoel guided thousands of students in the teachings of Chassidus. He also traveled far and wide to give shiurim in Chassidus and to farbreng. His audio recordings, and books, are used by many more around the world.

This Shabbos, Reb Yoel’s students around the world will mark the day by learning Mishnayos and sharing memories of this great mashpia.


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