Story of Maestro’s Return to Yiddishkeit Uplifts Toronto Crowd

A large crowd gathered for a Yud Shevat Hakhel event and farbrengen in Toronto, featuring niggunim by maestro Israel Edelson and the story of his journey to Yiddishkeit.

A large crowd gathered for a Yud Shevat Hakhel event and farbrengen in Toronto, packing the Pressman JCC Theater Hall.

The program, arranged by Jewish Russian Community center of Ontario, featured a musical event focusing on inspiring and heartwarming Chabad niggunim with maestro Israel Edelson. Titled “Journey Of Niggunim,” the musical event brought together the Jewish Russian community of Toronto for a night of inspiration marking the auspicious day of Yud Shevat.

A highlight of the event was a multimedia program featuring the story of Israel Edelson’s return to Yiddishkit. The program, which showcased his unforgettable journey, from St Petersburg to Israel to the capitals of Europe to New York City, a journey that many in the crowd could relate to, left the assembled uplifted. Rabbi Yoseph Zaltzman, founder of JRCC, also addressed the crowd, sharing inspiring words.

Following the official musical event, a grand farbrengen was held, with guest speaker Rabbi Alex Kaller, Russian Shliach from Sunny isles and the Beaches, along with all the JRCC shluchim.

“All in all, the event made for a memorable Yud Shevat celebration,” one of the shluchim told


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  1. Thank you for posting this report!
    An important detail was missing from the report: the director of the project and the film, who created the whole idea, and followed it through, the gifted Bentzi Avtzon!
    Thank you again!

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