Stirring Yud Shevat Event Held for Toronto Women

N’shei Chabad of Toronto celebrated the culmination of 70 years of the Rebbe’s leadership and vision, with a soul-stirring talk by Rabbi Raleigh Resnick and a musical performance by Mrs. Chavi Rappaport.

N’shei Chabad of Toronto celebrated the culmination of 70 years of the Rebbe’s leadership and vision, with a soul-stirring talk by Rabbi Raleigh Resnick.

Rabbi Resnick began his impassioned speech by announcing, “It is 70 years since the Rebbe gave us marching orders, to herald in the arrival of Moshiach.” Then, in a fascinating fashion, he wove the number 11 through his speech, in a stunning tapestry of Divine Providence and our task at hand.

The Rebbe began his official leadership as Rebbe in 5711, on the 11th day of the 11 th month. The Rebbe was born on the 11th of Nissan, and the chapter of Basi L’gani we analyzed this year, was the 11th. We have 10 faculties and the world and its natural order was created with 10, the ten utterances. This is symbolic of completion; a job well done! Whereas 11, is taking a step above and beyond any norm. There are no obstructions or limitations, just an insatiable drive to reach a destination. Thus, every goal is attainable.

Rabbi Resnick cited the example of the Rebbe walking through significant rain, no umbrella, no hesitation, just walking assuredly, unperturbed, to 770, as if there is no rain. “A soldier of 11”.

Additionally, as discussed in chapter 11 of Basi L’gani, B’nai Yisroel are referred to, as “Tzivos Hashem”, Hashem’s army, when they leave Mitzraim. They are totally bound with Hashem; the embodiment of “number 11”.

Yes, today, we too, are this very legion. It is who we are at our core. A soldier who sees no stumbling blocks or questions, only marching orders!

To highlight his message, he also shared a beautiful exchange between Rabbi J.J. Hecht and the Rebbe. After one Lag B’omer event, Rabbi Hecht approached the Rebbe and expressed, in Yiddish, ” אדיינק וואס דו האסט מיר ארויסגעשלעפט פון מיינע צרות”. “Thank you for dragging me out of my woes”. The Rebbe immediately countered with !” “ארויסגעשלעפט? אויפגעהויבן . “I dragged you out? I lifted you up!”

Yes, we can “drag” ourselves and surmount our problems as we heave, or we can lift ourselves above all obstacles and only see the final goal of Geulah. Being the Rebbes’s foot soldiers, the Rebbe will surely lift us up, and assist us in forging ahead, unfettered, to greet Moshiach, Now!

Our evening was further enhanced by the captivating voice, and guitar accompaniment, of our very talented, Mrs. Chavi Rappaport. She led us in heartfelt niggunim and soulful melodies which expressed our strong yearning to be reunited with our Rebbe and for the Final Redemption!

“Sharing our enthusiasm, was a directive we received from the Rebbe,” event organizers said. “In light of the above, we have undertaken a new Ahavat Yisroel initiative to enhance the Achdus of our community, and hasten in the Geulah.”


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