States, Cities and Counties Across USA Will Mark Rebbe’s Birthday

With less than a week to Yud Alef Nissan, efforts are being made to have Education Day declared in as many locations as possible. Many states, cities and counties have already issued their proclamations.

With less than a week to Yud Alef Nissan, efforts are being made to have the Rebbe’s birthday declared as “Education and Sharing Day” in as many locations as possible.

Established in 1978 by a joint Congressional resolution, Education Day U.S.A. focuses on the very foundation of meaningful education: instructing our youth in the ways of morality and ethics, and teaching them an appreciation for divine inviolable values.

Education Day is annually declared by the President of the United States, as well as by Governors and Mayors of States and cities across the USA. In 2018, all 50 states issued proclamations recognizing Education Day, in addition to a large number of cities.

Ahead of Yud Alef Nissan this year, immense efforts are being put in by shluchim across America and even in Canada. In the days leading up to Yud Alef Nissan, tens of proclamations have already been issued, and intense efforts are underway to have Education Day declared in many more locations.

To help shluchim with their efforts, a booklet that clearly explains the background and history behind the initiative was published last year. It includes quotes from the proclamations signed by the presidents of the United States, as well as a selection of messages from government officials around the world.

The compilers hope that this booklet will assist shluchim and askonim in reaching out to their local officials wherever they may be and lead to a favorable response.

To download the booklet click here.

Shluchim and Activates who would like to personalize this booklet for their makom hashlichus please contact [email protected].

For more resources on promoting Education and Sharing Day, please click here

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