State-Of-The-Art Chabad Halacha Center Inaugurated in Bnei Brak

In a festive event attended by the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau, the new Lema’an Yilmedu campus was inaugurated on the 22nd floor of Bnei Brak’s luxurious highrise.

In a festive event attended by the Chief Rabbi of Israel, the new Lema’an Yilmedu campus was inaugurated in Bnei Brak.

The exciting event was opened by the founder, Rabbi Yisroel Maal. “After eight years during which we have brought Halacha to the forefront and trained thousands of teachers, community leaders, and above all, Torah scholars who manage families and businesses according to Halacha, we are privileged to advance and build a new level in the world of Halacha.”

The luxurious campus, located on the 22nd floor of the Bnei Brak highrise, was launched together with the establishment of the “Torah Family Academy” for training marriage counselors.

The participants warmly welcomed the guest of honor, the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau. Rabbi Lau was given the honor of affixing the mezuzah together with the director Rabbi Zohar Yehoshua, and he cut the ribbon in a celebratory ceremony.

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