Tonight: Start Saying V’sein Tal Umotor

Tonight, Motzei Shabbos, December 5th, we begin saying V’sein Tal Umotor in Shmoneh Esrei. What happens if one forgets? Rabbi Shmuel Lesches presents a clear halacha guide.

The following is a Halacha guide compiled by Rabbi Shmuel Lesches, Rov of Young Yeshivah Shul in Melbourne, Australia.

If one forgot V’sein Tal Umotor Livrocho:

  • If one realized before saying Hashem’s name at the end of the Brocho, he goes back to V’sein Tal Umotor Livrocho and continues from there.
  • If one already concluded the Brocho, he says V’sein Tal Umotor Livrocho before starting the Brocho of Teka B’Shofar.
  • If one already began the Brocho of Teka B’Shofar, he says V’sein Tal Umotor Livrocho in the Brocho of Shma Koleinu, immediately before the words Ki Atoh Shomea Tefillah.
  • If one forgot to say it then, but realized before saying Hashem’s name at the end of the Brocho of Shma Koleinu, he should say V’sein Tal Umotor Livrocho and continue with Ki Atoh Shomea Tefillah.
  • If one already concluded Shma Koleinu, he says V’sein Tal Umotor Livrocho before starting the Brocho of Retzei.

If one already began Retzei, there is a difference between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

In the Southern Hemisphere (Australia, South America, South Africa):

  • If one already began Retzei, he does not go back, and instead relies on the opinions who maintain that one does not daven for rain during the local summer months.

In the Northern Hemisphere (United States, Europe, Israel):

  • If one already began Retzei, he must go back to the beginning of the Brocho of Borech Aleinu, and continue from there until the end of Shmoneh Esrei. If he already began reciting (the second) Yih’yu L’ratzon, he must repeat the entire Shmoneh Esrei.
  • If one did not realize his omission until the time for that Tefillah has passed, he must daven the next Tefillah twice. [E.g. If one forgot to say V’sein Tal Umotor Livrocho during Shacharis, he must recite the Shmoneh Esrei of Mincha twice.] Between the two Tefillos, he should wait the span of time to walk four Amos (approximately two metres), and preferably, he should recite words of supplication between them.
  • If one forgot V’sein Tal Umotor Livrocho in Mincha of Erev Shabbos, he does not repeat Shmoneh Esrei of Friday night.

If one is in doubt whether he said V’sein Tal Umotor Livrocho, for the first thirty days he should assume that he did not, and after thirty days he should assume that he did.

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