Standing Room Only at Toronto’s Siyum Harambam

The Lubavitch community in Toronto, Canada gathered on the night of Bais Iyar to celebrate the completion of another cycle of Rambam study. Hundred were in attendance as well as prominent Rabbanim from Toronto and surrounding areas.

By reporter

The Lubavitch community in Toronto, Canada gathered on the night of Bais Iyar to celebrate the completion of another cycle of Rambam study. Hundred were in attendance as well as prominent Rabbanim from Toronto and surrounding areas.

The event was hosted at the Sephardic Kehila Centre. Many of the community’s Rabbonim were in attendance as well as hundreds of community members.

Rabbi Avraham Mann mashpia at the Lubavitch Yeshiva of Toronto moderated the event. He began by inviting head Shliach Rabbi Zalman Grossbaum to recite Tehillim for the success of the celebration as well as for a refuah sheleima of local shluchim and rabbanim.

Rabbi Dovid Kadosh, rov of the Shul, spoke about the greatness of learning Rambam every day by thousands of Chabad Chasidim worldwide. Yosef Borenstein was called upon to perform the siyum on Sefer Hamitzvos.

Rabbi Avraham Mann concluded the Rambam cycle by reading the last halacha of Rambam infusing it with the Rebbe’s commentary. He then explained that the Rambam consists of 83 sets of halachos, which is the gematria of machla (illness). And through learning Rambam consistantly one merits good health.

He then invited Rabbi Yitzchak Chakak to begin the 43rd cycle of Rambam study. Rabbi Chakak elaborated on the importance of learning Halacha every day and specifically the halachos of the Rambam.

Finally, the guest speaker Rabbi Menachem Mendel Raskin, shliach to Cote S. Luc in Montreal was invited to the podium. Rabbi Raskin gave a historical overview of the Rebbe’s takana followed by an impassioned address on the importance of daily Rambam study in order to bring about the geula.

Rabbi Mann concluded the evening by strongly encouraging the participants to begin learning Rambam, and emphasizing the importance of daily Rambam study in order to connect with the Rebbe.

A beautiful memento was distributed to all participants entitled “On the Teachings of Rambam.”


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