Standing at the Kosel, Mayor Adams Vows to Combat Antisemitism

As part of his official visit to Israel, the Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, arrived for a visit and prayer at the Kosel, where he vowed to combat antisemitism.

Photos: Western Wall Heritage Foundation, NYCMayor

As part of his official visit to Israel, the Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, arrived for a visit and prayer at the Kosel Hama’aravi in Yerushalayim.

He was welcomed by the rabbi of the Kosel, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, and the director of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, Mordechai (Suli) Eliav, who explained to him the significance of the holy site for the Jewish people and the nation’s yearnings for it throughout the generations.

During his visit to the Wall, Mayor Adams stated, “We will continue to fight against antisemitism worldwide. New York City has one of the largest Jewish populations outside of Israel. As the mayor of New York City, I want to send a clear message from here, the home of the Jewish people, and to strengthen our resolve to combat antisemitism. After touring the Old City among the different religions, the understanding is reinforced that we must find a way to live together side by side.”

Mayor Adams is set to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Hertzog, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, and other leading Israeli politicians. On Monday, he met with the Mayor of Yerushalayim Moshe Lion.


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