Special Avos Ubanim Program in Honor of Matan Torah

Hundreds of fathers and sons join the Avos Ubanim Betzalel learning program every Motzei Shabbos in Crown Heights and East Flatbush. This week there will be a special program in honor of Matan Torah.

There is nothing more sweet and pleasant than the voices of children learning Torah with their fathers.  B”H an inspiring kol Torah can be heard every Motzei Shabbos throughout our schunah in 13 different locations.   

Avos Ubanim is a golden opportunity for a father to bond with his children in a real Torah atmosphere.  Quality time without disturbances is what makes the big difference in the father – son relationship – especially when this is taking place in a מקום קדוש together with many others. Incentives and prizes galore with inspiring divrei chizuk top off this wonderful Motzei Shabbos experience. Close to 500 fathers and sons now take advantage of this outstanding program

If you don’t already attend, please come and join us this coming Motzei Shabbos in any one of our 13 locations listed below. This is the real expression of the Mivtzah Torah as the Rebbe desires.

Let us help our soldiers on the front lines by emulating Dovid Hamelech whose Torah enabled Yoav to be victorious over our enemies

This coming Motzei Shabbos – Parshas Yisro and Matan Torah – in keeping with the Rebbe’s call for בית מלא ספרים there will be a Super Sefarim Raffle in each location for a $36 gift certificate in Sosover’s.

The Avos Ubanim program is known as Avos Ubanim Betzalel in loving memory of Reb Betzalel Jacobson OBM, sponsored in part by his son Yerachmiel Jacobson.

Agudah Shul – 456 Crown Street                            
Anshei Lubavitch – 578 Albany Ave
Anshei Moshe – 1334 Lincoln Place                       
Basement of 770 – 770 Eastern Parkway
Beis Avrohom Yitzchok– 305 Remsen Ave.            
Eliyahu Nachum – 672 Lefferts Ave
Empire Shtiebel – 489 Empire Blvd.                        
Frankel’s Shul – 1699 President Street
Kehilas Lubavitch of East Flatbush- 460 Lenox Rd.  
Lincoln Place Shul– 1185 Lincoln Place
Nosson’s Shul– 579 Brooklyn Ave                                
Rayim Ahuvim– 1614 Carroll Street
Bais Gimple Chaim 309 New York Ave.

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