Anash in Manchester gathered for a powerful Siyum Harambam featuring local rabbonim, Rabbi Levi Cohen, Rabbi Leizer Eidelman, Rabbi Daniel Walker, and Rabbi Sender Liberow. Guest speaker Rabbi Mendel Liberow of Johannesburg, South Africa, inspired the crowd.
The air in Beis Menachem Manchester was filled with an electric energy on Sunday night, as Anash gathered for a Siyum Harambam, organized by Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester.
The evening commenced with a sicha of the Rebbe, delivered by a bochur from the Yeshiva. Rabbi Levi Cohen, Shliach in Prestwich, then completed the 44th cycle of Rambam. Followed by Rabbi Leizer Eidelman, Mashpia in the Yeshiva, who launched the new cycle. Rabbi Daniel Walker, Rabbi of Heaton Park Shul, further fueled the atmosphere with warm and inspiring words.
A video of the Rebbe making the first Siyum in 5745 was shown. Following the video, the participants erupted into spontaneous, spirited dancing.
The celebration continued with a farbrengen led by Rabbi Sender Liberow, Rov of Adas Yisroel, and Rabbi Mendel Liberow, Rabbi at Torah Academy Shul, South Africa. Their insightful words and Chassidic stories, leaving a lasting impression on all present.
As a special memento of this momentous occasion, Kuntres Halacha B’Iyun from Chayenu, was distributed to all.
Participants left with renewed vigor and a fresh wave of dedication for learning the daily Rambam.
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