Soldiers, Students and Jews of All Stripes at Mega ‘Tzama’ Event

Photos: Avreimke Eizenshtein/

A record number of participants gathered at Binyanei Haumah in Yerushalayim for the annual ‘Tzama’ events, including farbrengens, nigunim performances, and a huge Chassidus book sale.

Photos: Avreimke Eizenshtein/

A record number of participants gathered at Binyanei Haumah in Yerushalayim for the annual ‘Tzama’ events, including farbrengens, nigunim performances, and a huge Chassidus book sale.

Men, women, children, and soldiers from the battlefield and thousands of yeshiva students came to the fair in droves and filled the carts with holy books. Over 100,000 Sifrei Chassidus were sold in the first two days of the book fair.

The ‘Teddy Hall’ in the complex hosted the yerid hachassidus, the yearly sale where Sifrei Chassidus are offered at deeply subsidized prices. Staff walked among the excited buyers, helping each one find a sefer Chassidus appropriate for their age and stage.

After the farbrengens, thousands joined for a lively concert of Chabad nigunim with singers Avraham Fried, and Yonatan Razel.

The annual event called “Tzama” is organized by Maynotecha, under the directorship of Rabbi Moshe Shilat.


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