Snow and Fire at ‘Purim in the Artic’

The Jewish holiday of Purim was celebrated “Arctic Style” with more than 150 participants enjoying a creative and Covid-safe event at Chabad of Orange’s “Purim in the Arctic” party.

The Jewish holiday of Purim was celebrated “Arctic Style” with more than 150 participants enjoying a creative and Covid-safe event at Chabad of Orange’s “Purim in the Arctic” party.

“Purim is one of the holidays that children and adults alike anticipate – we knew we had to think out of the box and find a way to celebrate in a special way, despite the pandemic challenges,” says Chana Burston, who co-directs Chabad of Orange County with her husband, Rabbi Pesach.  “We have two realities we’re dealing with—Covid and the cold—and we decided to embrace them both. That’s why we did ‘Purim in the Arctic.’”

“The challenges this year may have changed,” added Rabbi Pesach, “but the message of Purim remains the same:  There’s always light—there’s always a way to find light within the challenge.  No matter the circumstances, the Jews have found ways to overcome and celebrate, and this year is no different.”

The event attracted participants from across Orange County, and was held at the American Legion Hall and Pavilion in Monroe.  The traditional Megillah scroll was read indoors, while participants sat in pods and wore masks. Masks are a tradition on Purim, but this year it was a CDC obligation!

Rabbi Pesach, wearing an Eskimo costume, welcomed the crowd. Chana Burston, dressed as a Snow Queen, handed costume prizes and activity bags to children and teens. Families enjoyed taking their photos in the arctic photo spot with a vintage wooden sled and winter scenery. The party continued in the outdoor pavilion, where families enjoyed an “Arctic menu” of hot stews, soups, kugels, desserts and hot cocoa.  A campfire added warmth as well as the opportunity to roast marshmallows.

Mad Science of the Hudson Valley wowed the audience with an interactive “Ice and Fire Show” with dry ice “magic potions,” color-changing solutions and fizzy floating bubbles.

Guests were gifted with “Mishloach Manot” food packages to exchange with a friend for the Purim mitzvah.  

“It was so nice to celebrate and socialize in a safe way that was also very personal and fun!” said Becky Benezra of Monroe, who attended the party with her family.

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