Slate Meets With the Crown Heights Beis Din

The slate of five running for Vaad Hakohol had an important meeting with the Beis Din of Crown Heights, receiving guidance and discussing some of the vital issues pertaining to the Vaad Hakohol/CHJCC.

The slate of five running for Vaad Hakohol had an important meeting with the Beis Din of Crown Heights, receiving guidance and discussing some of the vital issues pertaining to the Vaad Hakohol/CHJCC.

The Rabbonim emphasized the need for the incoming Vaad to make sure that Crown Heights is a place that every child has an opportunity for a proper Chinuch, no matter their background, past, or whatever challenges they may face.

“Even if a child has not been successful in the regular mosdos of Chinuch, it should not mean that they have no chinuch at all, rather we have to make sure that those who can return to the mosdos should be allowed back in, and those who need another Chinuch structure should have other chinuch options available for them,” the Rabbonim explained.

Another area of their emphasis was the ruchnius of the shechuna, with the Rabbonim stating that “as a chassidishe kehilla, any undertaking in any area of a chassid’s life is more effective and uplifted when it comes with the infusion of our ruchniusdike well-being and growth.”

The slate of five, Zalman Friedman, Dovid Leib Halon, Meir New, Berel Hildeshaim and Shmuel Rosenstein, raised some of the complex issues facing the community, seeking the Rabbonim’s guidance and advice regarding the Torah and Halacha approach to these issues.

The Rabbonim were very attentive and interested in the issues and gave very detailed, wise and relevant advice on how to navigate these sometimes thorny issues. The slate made it clear to the Rabbonim that once elected they intend to work closely with them, seek out their guidance and directives if they are elected to their positions, Bez”h.

They also stressed that they understood the responsibilities of the kehilla and the Vaad towards the bais din in enabling them to function properly. For the beis din not having to worry about financial burdens in particular, and intend to take this responsibility seriously and get working on it once they are elected.

B”H the meeting was warm and constructive and the slate is looking forward to working with the Rabbinim to make the shechuna a place of harchava begashmius uberuchnius, something that is appropriate and fitting for the Rebbe’s shechuna, which as known the Rebbe referred to as “Kan Tziva Hashem Es Habracha.”

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  1. yay!!! it’s so good when Rabbanim are consulted and askanim work in conjunction with Rabbanim. Consulting and discuss issues, especially thorny ones, with Rabbanim. May we hear more such good news in the future.

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