Siyum on Pesachim Celebrated in Time for Pesach

On Sunday morning, the daily Gemara shiur with Rabbi Fishel Oster celebrated the siyum of Mesechas Pesachim which was learned over the last four months.

Celebrating Siyum Masechas Pesachim – Starting Mesechas Shekolim

BH this Sunday morning the daily Gemara daf shiur with Rabbi Fishel Oster celebrated the siyum of Mesechas Pesachim which was learned daily a Daf a day for the past four months.

This Sunday Morning at 7:45 am started with the daily shiur of Chassidus which precedes the gemoroh shiur. Then the gemoroh shiur at 8:15 am, learning the last daf of Pesachim. Celebrating the siyum with a beautiful Sunday morning breakfast mezonos, bagels, cream cheese, lox and lechayim and inspirational Divrei Torah on Pesachim. 

Rabbi Oster reviewed parts of a beautiful Hadran by the Rebbe on the siyum of Mesechas Pesachim. 

Video of siyum Divrei Torah by Rabbi Fishel Oster:

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YouTube player
YouTube player

Also heard insightful Divrei Torah from Rabbi Alexander Heppenheimer which also gives a daily daf Shiur in Chevra Shas at 6:30 am, and a Sunday morning iyun shiur also at 770 Montgomery at 9:45 am.

We had a wonderful surprise someone mentioned that his son, a young bar mitzvah bochur, actually also learned thru the whole Mesechas Pesachim. For the past four months he listened every night after coming home to the recording of the daily shiur, after a full day of Seder in yeshiva. The father said that the bochur will also be making his own siyum on erev Pesach. 

Starting new Mesechta!

We will be beH starting Mesechas Shekolim Monday morning at 7:45 am come join us at 466 Albany Ave Downstairs.  If you can’t make it live you can join us live by conference call

Live conference call..>> (425) 436-6359 Access code: 178741#
Please Press *6 To Mute your line.

Gemoroh daf shiur
Daily at 7:45 am
Sundays 8:15 am

Preceded by Chassidus
Daily at 7:15 am
Sundays 7:45 am.

Or you can join us in the what’s app group to get daily recording which is posted on podcast and YouTube on a daily basis. There’s bH many baale batim and shluchim and as well young bochurim that listen to the shiur Daily and really appreciate and enjoy the daily gemoroh shiur and are increasing their knowledge in gemoroh on daily basis.  

Available on YouTube Spotify and on what’s app group:


As well there is a Daily Chassidus shiur by Rabbi Fishel Oster taking place daily half hour prior to gemoroh shiur at 7:15 am also at Merkaz Avreichim 466 Albany Ave. 

Daily recording available on what’s app group..


Other Irgun Torah classes available ..

Join the what’s app group to get the daily Mishna..


Daily Rambam classes 1 perek and 3 perakim what’s app group:

As well there is the actual live daily shiurim available in Crown Heights, see for more info.  


Weekly Torah insights by Rabbi Dubov from the Rebbe’s father Reb Levi Yitzchok:


The Daily chumash by Rabbi Mendel Yuzewitz clear and concise shiur:


Other daily Daf Gemoroh Shiurim

Choose your time and place to learn a Daf Gemoroh a day!

Anshei Lubavitch – Geshem Shul
578 Albany
Sunday-Thursday: 8:00-9:00 PM
Shabbos: 45 minutes before Mincha
Zoom: available on request

Beis Eliezer Yitzchok – R’ Levy’s shul
394 Kingston
Rabbi Hershel Lustig
Sunday: 8:45 AM
Monday-Friday: 6:30 AM
Shabbos: 7:15 PM

Also an Omud a day, Monday-Thursday at 7:20 PM
Zoom: 4051047658, passcode 845752

Chevra Shas
398 Kingston Ave.
Rabbi Alexander Heppenheimer
Sunday: 6:45 am, followed by Shacharis
Monday-Friday: 6:30 am, followed by Shacharis
Motzaei Shabbos: 8:45 pm (winter)
Zoom: 6822231894, passcode 613

Anash Shul
770 Montgomery St.
Rabbi Holtzberg
Daily 8 AM

Rabbi Shia Werner Daily 10:00 am
Zoom 75222541129 Password 281263

Shain’s Shul
390 Kingston Ave.
Rabbi Zalman Shanowitz
Sunday-Thursday: 8:00 pm


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