Siyum in Shain Shul Has Double Significance for Magid Shiur

Participants in a siyum in Shain Shul in Crown Heights this past week were celebrating the conclusion of Maseches Beitzah, but for magid shiur Rabbi Zalman Sanowicz, the date also marked the siyum hakadish for his father R’ Sholom Ber Sanowicz.

A double Siyum was celebrated by Rabbi Zalman Sanowicz, the Maggid Shiur of the daily Gemara Shiur at Shain Shul in Crown Heights. Rabbi Shanowitz, along with the Shiur’s participants, were celebrating their completion of Maseches Beitzah.

By Hashgacha Protis, this coincided with the Siyum of Kaddish for his late father Harav Sholom Ber Sanowicz OBM. R’ Sholom Ber was a renowned Talmid Chacham who was recognized for his passion for Torah learning and his commitment to delivering Shiurim in various Crown Heights Shuls. Following in his footsteps, his son R’ Zalman has devoted himself tirelessly to the daily Shiur he has been teaching for the past couple of years in Rabbi Eliyahu Shain’s iconic Kingston Avenue Shul.

The crowd was treated to a lavish spread, as they came to celebrate this special double occasion with Rabbi Shanowitz. The crowd consisted of family members, friends, colleagues, those who participated in the Shiur as well as those who would like to participate. Young and old came to honor Torah learning and the special people who dedicate themselves to it.

Rabbi Shanowitz made the Hadran and then delved into the Rebbe’s insights on the Masechta. This was then followed by an uplifting farbrengen with inspiring words from Mashpiim and others about Maseches Beitzah, the importance of Gemara study, and the special impact of Harav Sholom Dovber ben Harav Chaim Yitzchak A”H Sanowicz, Yehi Zichro Baruch.

The Rebbe often emphasized the remarkable physical and spiritual benefits gained by designating set times for daily Torah study. All are invited to join the Shiur Sunday-Thursday between Mincha and Maariv at Shain Shul, located at 390 Kingston Avenue.


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