Siyum Hashas Makes Siyum Sefer Torah a Double Celebration

Photos: Meir Donel/

Following the completion of the new Sefer Torah in memory of Reb Yisroel Friedman in 770, joyous hakafos were held in Oholei Torah’s zal. A seudas mitzvah and a Siyum Hashas made the celebration a double one.

Photos: Meir Donel/

Hundreds of members of the Crown Heights community joined Oholei Torah students and alumni for a Siyum Sefer Torah on Monday, Beis Nissan, dedicated in memory of Reb Yisroel Friedman, beloved longtime Rosh Yeshiva of Oholei Torah.

The siyum began in Reb Yisroel shiur room in Oholei Torah. Throughout the entire day, every class had the chance to come in with their teacher and write a letter in the Sefer Torah. The children also got to see “Reb Yisroel’s Library“, the seforim he loved and used so much, now housed in a special library in the Yeshiva.

In the afternoon, the Torah was brought to 770 to continue the Siyum. There, near the Rebbe’s room where Reb Yisroel would daven every Shabbos, the last letters of the Torah were written. Honored with writing the letters were Rabbonim, mashpi’im and talmidim of Reb Yisroel.

The Torah was then paraded with singing and dancing down Eastern Parkway towards Oholei Torah, where joyous hakafos were held, with the participation of the entire Yeshiva and community members.

Following the hakafos, a Seudas Mitzvah was held for the bochurim with the entire hanhala in attendance. A Siyum Hashas was made by the Seudah, making the celebration a double siyum – on Torah Shebichsav and Torah Shebaal Peh. The Siyum Hashas was made by Rabbi Yitzchok Raitport, a close friend of Reb Yisroel’s and longtime supporter of Ohlei Torah.


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