Siyum Hashas Celebrates Rosh Hashana of Chassidus

A grand double Siyum Hashas and Yud Tes Kislev farbrengen in Flatbush celebrated the study of 127 participants who together completed Shas twice, as per the custom of Chalukas Hashas prescribed by the Alter Rebbe.

Photos: Eliezer Rohr

A Grand Double Siyum HaShas and Yud Tes Kislev farbrengen was held in Flatbush, hosted by Mayan Yisroel’s Kollel Mayan Chai led by Rabbi Yoseph Vigler and Rabbi Menachem Kahn.

127 participants learned the Shas twice over the course of a year from Yud Tes Kislev, as per the custom of Chalukas Hashas, prescribed by the Alter Rebbe in Tanya, and strongly encouraged by the Rebbe. Each participant took a part of the Shas to complete together at a grand celebration. A Siyum and Hascholas HaTanya was also held at the farbrengen.

The Chavrei HaKollel put out their Kovetz in honor of Yud Tes Kislev and in honor of the yahrzeit of Ruchama Chaya Fruma bas R. Dov Pinchas Bistritzky a”h on 7 Kislev, after whom the Kollel is named.

For the new year the Shas was divided 3 times, with a 4th division of Mishnayos for kids.

Click here to download the kovetz.


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