Siyum HaRambam Participants to Receive 40th Anniversary Commemorative Coins

As Klal Yisroel worldwide prepares for the upcoming Siyum HaRambam celebration, a unique aspect of this year’s celebration stands out: all participants will be honored with a special commemorative coin.

As Klal Yisroel worldwide prepares for the upcoming Siyum HaRambam celebration, a unique aspect of this year’s celebration stands out: all participants will be honored with a special commemorative coin. This gesture celebrates the 40th anniversary of the daily study of Rambam, echoing the Rebbe’s tradition of distributing commemorative coins. The Siyum, set to take place on Eastern Parkway just before Yud Alef Nissan on April 17th, marking 40 years since the Rebbe’s call for daily study of Rambam.

Rabbi Shmuel Butman, chairman of the Siyum HaRambam Haolami, remarked on the significance, stating, “It’s a fitting tribute to 40 years of Klal Yisroel’s dedication to Limud HaRambam’” The coins will serve as a tangible reminder of the Achdus and commitment to Rambam study that has been fostered over the last 40 years. Inspired by the Rebbe’s own practice of distributing commemorative coins during significant events, these tokens are designed to connect participants with the rich history and significance of this historic celebration.

Additionally, donors supporting the Siyum will receive special edition coins in gold, silver, and bronze, symbolizing their contribution to this landmark event. For sponsorship, contact [email protected].

The Siyum, featuring Avraham Fried leading the crowd in the Rebbe’s Niggunim, promises to be a momentous celebration of Torah study and communal unity, honoring the Rebbe’s initiative started four decades ago.

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