Six Public Menorah Lightings Held in North Crown Heights

The Northern part of Crown Heights got together this Chanuka with 6 Public Menorah Lightings attended by hundreds of parents and children.

Hundreds of children and parents were thrilled to celebrate nightly a Public Menorah Lighting in North Crown Heights.

Despite the challenges of the times, neighbors and supporters came forward to host one of the six outdoor Chanuka celebrations.

For the 9th year, the Lincoln Place Shul and Beis Hamedrash in partnership with close friends, put together nightly Chanuka lighting in North Crown Heights.

Every night during the Tzivos Hashem rally preceding the lighting, donuts, raffles, and personal prizes were generously given out to participants.

The Lincoln Place Shul and Beis Hamerdrash would like to thank all the families who kindly and generously hosted these Public Lightings: Nejar Family, Brisky Family, Cohen Family, Perlstein family, and Chocolatte by Levi Harel.

The Lincoln Place Shul and Beis Hamedrash is a vibrant shul in North Crown Heights led by Rabbi Meyer Shushan, with 3 Tefilos a day and programs for men women and children throughout the year.

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