Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. That principle shines through every page of the Rebbe Rayatz’s volumes of Sefer HaSichos. The seventh volume of Sefer Hasichos is now available for purchase thanks to the far-sighted vision of the Malamud family.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. That principle shines through every page of the Rebbe Rayatz‘s volumes of Sefer HaSichos. The seventh volume of Sefer Hasichos is now available for purchase thanks to the far-sighted vision of the Malamud family. This series, the brainchild of Crown Heights businessman Yossi Malamud, was born after he stumbled on a word in Yiddish he did not know while learning a sichah.
After working with scholars and Yiddish experts, Malamud undertook the task of translating the works of the Rebbe Rayatz’s Sichos into English for all to learn and easily understand.
“All that we know about our Chabad roots, and many of the stories about the Rebbeim, were told to us by the Rebbe Rayatz in Yiddish,” explains Malamud. “It is critical that these talks are not forgotten by the next generation.”
True to the Sefer Hasichos writing style, this volume, too, is simply expressed, yet brimming with wisdom. Clarity shines through the insightful interpretations that deepen and upgrade one’s appreciation of familiar Talmudic and chassidic texts, and the Rebbe Rayatz’s heartwarming glimpses into the daily lives and spiritual struggles of picturesque chassidim of the past with whom one can readily identify. All of those rich and relevant experiences are preserved for us in the skillful and highly acclaimed translation of the talented Uri Kaploun.
The magnetic force that attracts so many readers to this set of Sefer HaSichos of the Rebbe Rayatz is no doubt its appeal to the innermost sanctum of every chossid’s heart. When today’s reader encounters the challenges and struggles of any one of the many individuals to whom he is introduced, he immediately responds, “Hey! That’s me. Those are my challenges and my struggles!” And on the same page he will find words of direction, encouragement, and mellow counsel.
In addition, the Rebbe Rayatz – more than any of his predecessors – allows us a peek into the homes of the Rebbeim of their respective generations. Likewise, he records conversations within the family that he recalled from his childhood, and not only conversations in This World. Beyond those, he shares with us whispers from another world.
All of these sichos show clear signs that they were born in the tumultuous midst of Europe and America in 1944, when his neshamah klalis was sensitive to the pulse of his agonized brethren everywhere.
“As I went through the volumes these past few years,” shares Rishe Deitsch in a recent editorial in the N’shei Chabad Newsletter, “I folded pages that I thought would one day be good to be reprinted in the N’shei. Very few pages are not folded.” This is no surprise, as any studier of Sefer Hasichos can garner knowledge and perspective from the fine balance of profundity and relatability within each volume.
Now, Sichos in English has brought this latest volume to you. Get a glimpse of the series with a first-hand account from Chassidic superstar, Avraham Fried. Enhance your learning by purchasing the newest volume of Sefer Hasichos. Allow yourself to be carried away by an uplifting Chassidisher Farbrengen with the Rebbe Rayatz. The words are simple and inviting. The impact is deep.
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