Sichos in English Holds Mega Hey Teves Sale

To help Chassidim worldwide mark the day celebrating the books, Sichos in English is rolling out its annual, mega Hey Teves sale with discounts reaching 60 percent off.

Want to re-experience the Hey Teves victory? Fill up your bookshelves and Torah study schedules. To help Chassidim worldwide mark the day celebrating the books, Sichos in English is rolling out their annual, mega Hey Teves sale for the books! 

With discounts reaching the 60 percent off mark, the Sichos in English sale will be airing online from Tuesday, Gimmel Teves – December 27 through Sunday, Ches Teves – January 1. This sale is one for the books and is guaranteed to be a double win!

Riding on the themes of Hakhel, this year’s sale takes on an added dimension. The crux of the Hakhel gathering includes the aim “in order that they should learn” as a conduit to instill Yiras Shamayim. As the Rebbe instructed all Chassidim— men, women, and children— on the first Hey Teves anniversary, purchasing seforim and replenishing libraries is the first step to learning from them!

Sichos in English has made choosing and purchasing seforim simple with a comprehensive, clear, and easy-to-browse catalog featuring select seforim from the mega sale. The sale covers the gamut of seforim from the Weiss Edition Shulchan Aruch series to the hot-off-the-press, fourth volume of Selection of Likkutei Sichos – Bamidbar and its preceding volumes. Highly sought after seforim that have *been out of print and are now back in stock will be available at discounted prices, too. Peruse through the Sichos in English collection and you are sure to find a sefer to suit any learning palate.

Here’s a peak as to what’s inside:

Selections of Likkutei Sichos is now debuting Bamidbar – its fourth volume, which can be purchased at the Hey Teves sale! Bring the weekly talks of the Rebbe into your home by purchasing the now four part series or grow your already existing collection with the newest addition, Bamidbar

The Basics of Chassidus Volume 1 has hit the Chassidus seforim market with a bang! This trailblazing sefer, the first of many in its series to come, explains foundational Chassidic terminology and concepts enabling the depth of commonly used Chassidic ideas to become as commonly understood. 

The Rebbe’s Perspective Series shares the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s perspective on contemporary and prevalent topics. From the Rebbe’s correspondences with diverse individuals readers can garner perspective and insight on the proper approach to dealing with trust, faith, and mental health.

Want to see more? Take a look at the wide range of seforim on sale!

May the Hey Teves seforim purchases be a catalyst to fulfilling the directives and aims of Hakhel.

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