Shoplifter Apprehended After Multiple Thefts in Crown Heights

A persistent shoplifter was apprehended by Crown Heights Shomrim and arrested by the NYPD on Thursday after stealing from two supermarkets in Crown Heights.

A repeat shoplifter’s spree of thefts came to an end on Thursday when he was caught in the act by Crown Heights Shomrim.

The culprit shoplifted from The Market Place in Crown Heights on Thursday, and shoplifted from another supermarket, Kleins, just two days prior. On that occasion, the suspect managed to escape, thanks to his proximity to the store as he resided merely a few blocks away.

On his Thursday attempt, Crown Heights Shomrim, who were keeping an eye out for him, acted promptly, apprehending the individual before he could escape with stolen goods.

Law enforcement authorities were promptly notified, and the shoplifter was handed over to them for further legal action.

The Crown Heights Shomrim continues to encourage residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities, ensuring that Crown Heights remains a secure and thriving community.

To report an incident, contact Crown Heights Shomrim at (718) 774-3333.

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