Shomrim Stepping Up Security in Crown Heights

Since the devastating news in Eretz Yisrael Crown Heights Shomrim has stepped up its patrols and visibility throughout the community. Here’s a summary of their work over the past week.

Since the devastating news in Eretz Yisrael Crown Heights Shomrim has stepped up its patrols and visibility throughout our community:

1) We have maintained constant communication with NYPD throughout the past week through the present time and kept our community informed.

2) This past Friday night Shomrim had three marked vehicles patrolling our community as an added measure of security.

3) This past Friday, Shomrim volunteers provided added security in our local parks.

4) We had dozens of volunteers at the massive Tefillah rally on behalf of Eretz Yisrael. We responded to multiple calls in and especially around the rally assisting the police department.

5) We had a security detail at multiple community events and gatherings.

6) Our volunteers were on hand by arrival and dismissal at some of our schools, keeping an extra eye for suspicious activity.

7) Shomrim is also fielding an increased number of calls for suspicious persons or activity.

This is understandable, due to the heightened alertness of our community, and we responded with the required urgency for our current time.

B”H they all turned out to be innocent.

However, we still encourage everyone to remain vigilant, if you see something say something, even if you’re not sure.

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