Shomrim Releases Video of Violent Assault in Crown Heights

Crown Heights Shomrim released a comprehensive video of last week’s assault where two young Jewish boys were attacked leaving one with a broken nose.

By Reporter

After a violent attack on two Crown Heights residents, which left one with a bloody nose, Crown Heights Shomrim has released a comprehensive video capturing the attack from multiple angles.

Close cooperation between NYPD and Crown Heights Shomrim has led to a number of arrests in this brutal attack. The first arrest was made in record time just a day after the incident where a sixteen-year-old was arrested for attempted robbery and gang assault. Despite being only 16 years of age, he has had at least six prior arrests. A second perp was arrested days later. 4 more attackers remain at large.

The attack which occurred yesterday, March 13th took place near the corner of Albany Ave and Carroll Street at around 9:15 pm. Crown Heights Shomrim received multiple calls from witnesses reporting the attack and quickly dispatched multiple units to the scene of the attack. Shomrim followed them as they entered an apartment building on St. Johns Place and waited for the Police to arrive. Unfortunately, by then the perps had already disappeared inside the building.

The arrest happened in record time thanks to the many video cameras in the area that gave full coverage and clear video of the situation. Shomrim hopes that the other perpetrators will be arrested within the next few days.


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