Shomrim Appreciation Dinner Honors Volunteers, Families, Supporters

Crown Heights Shomrim hosted a heartwarming appreciation dinner to celebrate the dedication of Shomrim volunteers and their spouses. The event was graced by supporters, NYPD officers, and community activists.

This past Thursday, Crown Heights Shomrim hosted a heartwarming appreciation dinner to celebrate the hard work and dedication of their volunteers and their spouses. The event was graced by the presence of numerous supporters, NYPD officers from various precincts and departments, as well as esteemed community activists. The evening commenced with a lavish buffet and food stations, accompanied by a robust bar, setting the stage for a memorable gathering.

Rabbi Mendy Hershkop set the tone for the formal proceedings with a Dvar Torah that beautifully connected the Parshas of Vayikra and Tzav with the core mission of Crown Heights Shomrim. The organization took the opportunity to express their gratitude and Hakoras Hatov by honoring Detective Vincent Martinos for his nearly three decades of exceptional service to Crown Heights, particularly in the 71st precinct.

In addition to Detective Martinos, several dedicated volunteers were recognized for their outstanding contributions. Avi Zuckerman, Aron Aronow, Itzik Roytman, Mendy Goodman, Dov Amsallem and Levi Weiss were honored for their exceptional contributions and going well beyond the call of duty and core mission of Shomrim

The event also highlighted a long-time volunteer R’ Shloime Klein, who, known for his decades of selfless acts of kindness and volunteerism, was celebrated for his unwavering support within the community.

Although Detective Tristin Trunk was unable to attend due to a family emergency, his significant contributions as a police officer and neighborhood coordinator officer were acknowledged. The event also recognized Willi Pilku, owner of Core Scaffolding, for his support of Shomrim, particularly in the acquisition of a state-of-the-art Ford Explorer, which helps to enhance the safety of Crown Heights.

The highlight of the evening was R’ Shloime Klein’s heartfelt words, emphasizing the commitment of the volunteers and the essential role played by their spouses. The women of Shomrim were honored with a special gift as a token of appreciation for their integral role in the organization’s success. The event concluded with a soul-stirring kumzitz by R’ Eitan Katz, providing attendees with a memorable musical experience.

Another highlight of the evening was when twenty Shomrim volunteers were called up and were each honored by the 71st Precincts Community Affairs Unit with a Civilian Patrol Appreciation award. The award noted the volunteers “courage, outstanding service and timeless dedication to the 71st precinct community.”

Notable attendees included the leadership team of the hate crimes task force, Deputy Inspector Gary Marcus, Captain Johnny Wong, Lieutenant Robert Delaney, and Detective Max Rolfott. The commanding officer of the 77th precinct Captain Omar Birchwood. The 71st Precincts community affairs team, including Sargent Mike Baratta, and Officers Connors and Braddy.

The event also saw the presence of Brooklyn South community affairs team members, along with renowned community activists such as Rabbi Laizer Avtzon, Rabbi Yaakov Behrman, Shaya Gordon, and Adam Berish of CSI. The evening truly showcased the strong partnership between Crown Heights Shomrim and law enforcement, emphasizing the collective effort in ensuring community safety and well-being.


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