Shofar Will Come to Homes in Crown Heights

For the 5th year, a local initiative is organizing people to go and blow Shofar in the homes of those in Crown Heights who are not able to go to shul for Tekias Shofar.

For the 5th year, a local initiative is organizing people to go and blow Shofar in the homes of those in Crown Heights who are not able to go to shul for Tekias Shofar.

Please see links below for REQUESTS and for VOLUNTEERS.

Please submit before Tuesday the 12th of September, 26th Elul.
All names are confidential and will only be shared with the person attending your home.

If you are able to blow Shofar for someone, please fill out the form below and you will be contacted regarding where and when to go.

A project arranged by Chabad Air and Bais Shmuel Chabad.
For any questions or comments please email [email protected]

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