Shneor Levi, 24, AH

Shneor Levi, a Lubavitcher bochur who was head of security for the city of Elon Moreh, passed away suddenly on Sunday, 10 Elul, 5783.

Shneor Levi, a Lubavitcher bochur who was head of security for the city of Elon Moreh, passed away suddenly on Sunday, 10 Elul, 5783.

His friends remembered him as a warm-hearted and well-liked individual, who was the first to help others and felt strongly connected to the Rebbe.

Shneor is the son of Rabbi Segev Levi, who serves as the shliach to the town of Rosh Pina, in northern Israel.

Baruch Dayan Haemes.

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