Shluchim Unite for Chassidisher Chinuch in Northern California

Sacramento Jewish Academy Cheder is in escrow for a brand new 9000 sq. ft. school facility on 3 acres in the highly desirable neighborhood of Granite Bay.

Eight years ago when the Sacramento Jewish Academy Cheder was started with six children, no one ever imagined it would grow to what it is today. 

The upcoming school year of 5783 is bezras Hashem beginning on 2 Elul in a brand new 9000 sq. ft. facility on 3 acres enrolling almost 100 students kein yirbu. 

Graduate talmidim of the cheder have continued with much hatzlocho to top mesivtas, who have been very impressed on the high level of learning and chassidisher hanhogo of the talmidim. 

Over the years the reach of the cheder has grown beyond the shluchim families, attracting many local families as well. Today we are seeing huge growth in Yiddishkeit in Northern California as a result of this chinuch opportunity, says Rabbi Yossi Korik. 

Morah Sam was a local teacher hired to teach math and English in the school. She shared how she had not been raised as a Jew, yet her maternal grandmother is Jewish. Over a period of two years teaching in the school, she picked up on brochos, tefilos and lessons about shabbos and yomim tovim. This past winter break she went to a women’s yeshiva in Crown Heights and has remained there since then, now living the life of a shomeres torah and mitzvos. 

Partner with SJA and the Greater Sacramento area shluchim to raise the final funds for closing.

Two months ago a tremendous opportunity presented itself by Hashgocho protis to purchase a permanent spacious location for the school, which will accommodate the existing classes and much future growth as well. 

The 9000 sq. ft. building has an ideal floor plan for the school, has the proper zoning, and is in outstanding condition. Additionally, it sits on a large 3-acre property, with ample parking and a very large outdoor field for outdoor play and an existing playground. 

Rabbi Chaim Zaklos who commutes daily 60 miles from Vacaville shares “This beautiful facility will be a game changer for the entire region, raising the bar of chinuch to new heights, and being able to reach new demographics that otherwise would not consider traditional Jewish education for their children”. 

Thanks to a very generous local matching donor the purchase of this property became possible, and closing is scheduled for 20 Menachem Av bezras Hashem.

Please join with the greater Sacramento area shluchim to raise the final funds needed to close and move in, because local Jewish families are ready to grow. 

Partner with SJA and the Greater Sacramento area shluchim to raise the final funds for closing.


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